Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Congressional Research Service; Report RS21874 leaked by Wikileaks

Wikileaks (inet)
DNP - (yahoo) Action-style data unloading WikiLeaks seemingly selective logging. Data from the United States warehouse secret documents also informed there are thousands of documents concerning Indonesia's Superpower that leaked on the internet. The Information of data leaks about Indonesia, including a number of other countries look at the number of pages on the internet mailing list, Wednesday (1 / 12) of this.

According to the information, there are 3059 important American secret documents on Indonesia. Information on the mailing list was mentioned that the quote from that are not accessible anymore - thousands of data is organized the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta.

Indeed, no details of the contents and only a clarification of official documents from the regular official report to the U.S. Congress about Indonesia. Just mentioned, there is a Congressional Research Service report titled: Report RS21874 arranged by Bruce Vaughn. Analyst about Southeast Asia and South Asia Division, from Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, the brief explores the results of the 2004 general elections in Indonesia.

Here's a topic a number of leaks of secret U.S. documents also published by WikiLeaks: 
  1. U.S. secret intelligence center run campaigns targeted at the leadership of the UN, including UN Secretary-General and representatives from the UN Security Council members China, Russia, France and Britain. In fact, the U.S. tried to find out the password from the communication network, work schedule and other personal information.
  2. King of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran in a mission to destroy its nuclear program. In the document, Saudi Arabia and its allies worried about military action against Tehran. Leaders of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt called Iran as an existential threat that will bring this situation into war.
  3. In this secret document stated that Iran has acquired advanced missiles that are designed based on Russian designs and believed to be the main weapon of attack in Tehran.
  4. Iran obtained 19 missiles from North Korea on February 24, 2010.
  5. U.S. Intelligence Agency would have increased vigilance on Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. U.S. officials argue that the economic condition was worse in Pakistan to allow the smuggling of nuclear materials to terrorists.
  6. Efforts to empty the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. One is a request to Slovenia for diplomats willing to pick up a prisoner when they want to meet with President Barack Obama.
  7. Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh told General David Petraeus that he will continue to blame the United States on the bases of Al-Qaeda in his country. "We will continue to say that the bomb is ours, not yours," said Saleh was quoted as saying in a recent summary of the conversation. (DSC / ANS / CBSNews)

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